Located in Southern Washington County and Southern Orange County in Indiana. Serving parts of Chambersburg, Fredericksburg, Hardinsburg, Livonia, Rego and some rural areas outside of Paoli and Salem.
Use the UMS Customer Payment Portal to pay online.
See special information below, under the Helpful Hints when setting up
Online Bill Pay.
Helpful Hints

On-Line Bill Pay
The new UMS Customer Payment Portal is up and running
Please note, there is a fee that is passed along by the card processor. This fee is cheaper than the previous processor.
When you register, you will need your account number and phone number to link your account. You will then set up your user name and password. The password must contain at least one numerical character. If we don't have up-to-date phone information for you, you will not be able to set it up. Contact us and we will make the update in the office, then you will be all set.
If you have questions, call the office. We are here to help in any way that we can.
Pay By Phone
The new billing program now offers payment by phone (by an automated system. The number you call is (812) 616-5356. You will need your Account Number to use it. This is a feature that we have never been able to offer. The fee for a card is the same as if you paid on-line, or call our office. Feel free to give it a try.
How Our Billing Cycle Works
The new billing program now offers payment by phone (by an automated system. The number you call is (812)616-5356. You will need your Account Number to use it. This is a feature that we have never been able to offer. The fee for a card is the same as if you paid on-line, or call our office. Feel free to give it a try.
Auto ACH Payments
We also offer Auto ACH/Bank Draft, at no charge. The Authorization Form and Authorization Letter, explaining how it works can be found under the "Download/Print Forms" Tab. This is processed from our office. Payments are taken out automatically on the 17th day of each month. If that is a weekend or holiday, it will be taken out the next business day.
The new UMS Billing Program will allow for automatic payments from a Debit/Credit Card. There is an acknowledgement that you must agree to in order to set this up. These payments will be submitted to the processor on the business day prior to the due date. It is your responsibility to have funds available to avoid a late fee.
Customer Alert Set-Up and Details
The new billing program will allow us to send out voice or text alerts in the event of an emergency, such as a Boil Water Advisory.
While we have been trying to collect up to date contact information, we still don't have good information for everyone. Please either call the office or go to the Customer Portal and check to make sure we have good information for you. These alerts are only effective if we have good information to contact you.
You can set up your contact preference through the Customer Portal or we can do the voice preference for you. If you chose the Text/SMS preference, due to Federal Law, only you, the user, can do that. It can be done easily from the Customer Portal, and we will guide you through it should you need assistance.
We hope that you find this change a user friendly and timely change.
Controlling Water Useage
One of the biggest problems we see with out of control water bills is the toilet. While we all love indoor plumbing, it can be a silent thief. A large percent of unexplained leaks are a result of a toilet that runs intermittently or simply doesn't shut off. This is water that goes out of your home, through your septic and into the ground. Many times you never "see" the water, so it is hard to understand where the problem is. A leaking toilet, even the smallest leak, can run several thousand gallons each day.
Another problem we often see is the water softener that gets stuck in a cycle. While many don't use these anymore, if you still have one, you should watch it carefully. We currently purchase 99% of our water from Patoka Lake R.W.S.D., which is very soft and low in minerals. Softeners are really not needed.
Another thing that gets us all at one time or another is the "forgotten hose." We turn the water on to fill a tank, etc. and we get busy trying to multi-task and we forget it's running until we have made a new pond or the animals are enjoying their new mud pit. It happens to us all.
Anytime an unexpected high usage hits, we can't adjust your usage/bill, but we are always willing to work with you on payments to get it paid and try to prevent a hardship.
Other Questions?
If you did not find an answer to your question here, feel free to send us a message, or contact us using the info below:
Hours: 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. MON-FRI
Phone: (812) 472-3432
Fax: (812) 472-9132
Emergency Phone: (812) 620-5068
Pay by Phone: (812)616-5356
136 E US HIGHWAY 150